
one heart to another 💕

Freshly Typed


Not Married and Happily Fighting

My brother and I are not married and we have been happily fighting since 1997. I was born first, and I’m one year, two months, eight days, and 17.5 hours elder than him. But unfortunately, 7 inches shorter than him. We love each other. At least from my side, it’s a yes…

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Self Help

My Learning Challenges

Ever wondered how beautiful the word ‘learning’ is? It basically means that despite our age, gender, racial, religious or cultural background we could learn a new set of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and skills. It also means that we could unlearn some of the previously learned set of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and skills that do not serve us anymore.

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My Dear Life

The most beautiful creature is human. The most beautiful thoughts are of a human. The most beautiful smile is of a human. Humans have a pure heart with a crazy dream, passion, wishes, and the world’s best smile.

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Self Love

Fear of Failure

So, here comes the success story of a girl who is an introvert and has a mind full of complicated thoughts. It might seem contradictory that I’m sharing a success story while I’m sharing my weaknesses alongside. Hitting my own nerves, yes.

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My mentor; my life

I was told to write something about my mentor .I pondered the whole night and I wondered who I considered my mentor. And I could only think of one person. My mentor is…

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Freshly Typed


Not Married and Happily Fighting

My brother and I are not married and we have been happily fighting since 1997. I was born first, and I’m one year, two months, eight days, and 17.5 hours elder than him. But unfortunately, 7 inches shorter than him. We love each other. At least from my side, it’s a yes…

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Self Help

My Learning Challenges

Ever wondered how beautiful the word ‘learning’ is? It basically means that despite our age, gender, racial, religious or cultural background we could learn a new set of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and skills. It also means that we could unlearn some of the previously learned set of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and skills that do not serve us anymore.

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My Dear Life

The most beautiful creature is human. The most beautiful thoughts are of a human. The most beautiful smile is of a human. Humans have a pure heart with a crazy dream, passion, wishes, and the world’s best smile.

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Self Love

Fear of Failure

So, here comes the success story of a girl who is an introvert and has a mind full of complicated thoughts. It might seem contradictory that I’m sharing a success story while I’m sharing my weaknesses alongside. Hitting my own nerves, yes.

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My mentor; my life

I was told to write something about my mentor .I pondered the whole night and I wondered who I considered my mentor. And I could only think of one person. My mentor is…

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Not Married and Happily Fighting

My brother and I are not married and we have been happily fighting since 1997. I was born first, and I’m one year, two months, eight days, and 17.5 hours elder than him. But unfortunately, 7 inches shorter than him. We love each other. At least from my side, it’s a yes…

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My mentor; my life

I was told to write something about my mentor .I pondered the whole night and I wondered who I considered my mentor. And I could only think of one person. My mentor is…

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Improving My Happiness

Happiness can’t be bought or sold. It is a certain state of our mind when we feel relaxed and we feel joy in our moments. Human life is full of ups and downs so happiness is all your choice whether you want to enjoy these ups and downs or not.

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Beady Eyes

A moth came and perched on our kitchen wall. I was preparing rice and salad. I leaned in to peer at its beady black eyes blinked and stared back at me impenetrably. There’s been a locust attack. Crops may have, well, who am I kidding, are getting ruined.

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Five prayers in Heaven

The story begins as a stenographer wakes up to his first day, in the afterlife or the beginning of eternity. He tries to figure out the new form of life, without his body. Now left just with his soul, he experiences a whole new continuum of time, space, and consciousness.

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Self Love

Self Love

Fear of Failure

So, here comes the success story of a girl who is an introvert and has a mind full of complicated thoughts. It might seem contradictory that I’m sharing a success story while I’m sharing my weaknesses alongside. Hitting my own nerves, yes.

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Self Love


There are certain parts of ourselves that we lose over time and we forget about them. Until we subconsciously, out of nowhere, think of them like a dream, forgotten right after you’ve had it.

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Self Love

Still, I have a question!

Benett says, “Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.” I think this is relatable. But still, I have a question!

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My Dear Life

The most beautiful creature is human. The most beautiful thoughts are of a human. The most beautiful smile is of a human. Humans have a pure heart with a crazy dream, passion, wishes, and the world’s best smile.

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Words are like ghosts, they can haunt somebody to their grave for all you know. Mardangi is my ghost.

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Mental Health

Mental Health

A Spark in the Darkness

If I get a chance to draw a picture of negative thoughts, I would draw a child sitting in the corner of a room sitting in the dark, hiding his face into his arms. Darkness is like a deep dark night when there is no moon in the sky and no light around.

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Mental Health

A Refuge in Words

Sometimes, you’re up at about 3 am with no particular reason. You just lay in your bed, making up scenarios that have long been done or haven’t even happened.

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Self Help

Self Help

My Learning Challenges

Ever wondered how beautiful the word ‘learning’ is? It basically means that despite our age, gender, racial, religious or cultural background we could learn a new set of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and skills. It also means that we could unlearn some of the previously learned set of beliefs, behaviors, attitudes and skills that do not serve us anymore.

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Self Help

Learning How to Learn

It is hard to explain how life is a learning process itself. To understand this point, it needs a flexible mindset. I also struggled a lot to be one with a flexible person and I can see myself as a learner now, as I am always ready to learn new things.

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